Hiroshima Peace Memorial

It was a painful, yet life changing experience at Nagasaki Peace Park couple of weeks back, so I took off to visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial today. Commonly called the Atomic Bomb Dome or Genbaku Dōmu, it is the only structure left standing near the hypo-center of the first atomic bomb which exploded on 6 August 1945, and it still remains in the same condition as just after the explosion. The structure is part of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Bus to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Hiroshima Prefecture Regional Timber Company Memorial

Atomic Bomb Dome at Hiroshima

Red Bird Monument at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Atomic Bomb Dome

Commemorative Tower in memory of deceased children at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Crossing the Motoyasu River

Atomic Bomb Dome from the other side of the Motoyasu river

Children’s Peace Monument

Peace Bell

Flame of Peace

Hiroshima victims memorial cenotaph

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

Miniature Model of the destruction of Hiroshima after the Atomic Bomb explosion

Charred tricycle at the Atomic Bomb Museum in Hiroshima

Burnt uniform

Twisted metal bars

Fused roof tiles

Damaged Buddha

Origami paper cranes created by Sadako

View of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park from the top floor of the museum.

Waiting for the bus to JR Hiroshima Station

Thanks for reading. I look forward to your reviews and questions. If you are looking to explore more of the Hiroshima region you can read my journal on the Hiroshima Peace Pagoda or follow my story as I stop on my way home at Fukuyama to explore the lovely Fukuyama Castle.

A walk to Kochi Castle

Kochi Castle used to be the seat of the Yamauchi lords, who ruled over the surrounding area, then known as Tosa, during the Edo Period. Mani & I hike up the castle, the only one in all of Japan to have all the original buildings in the honmaru, or innermost ring of defense, still standing.

Early morning view of Kochi


On the way to Harimaya bridge

Harimaya Bridge

On the way to Kochi Castle

Shopping area

Sunday Market

Otemon gate

Kochi Castle walls

Kochi Castle Gate

Otakasa Hill

Pine Trees

Entering Kochi Castle


Closeup shot

Inside Kochi Castle

Leaving for Tokushima

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The Awa Odori Musical

This weekend I was lucky to witness the Awa Odori, a traditional Bon dance. It originated in Tokushima Prefecture and is danced to the lively call of “Yatto San, Yatto, Yatto. The dance has a history of about 400 years, and is one of the largest festivals in Japan.

Watch this space for the full story.

Train ride to Tokushima


Tokushima Station Building

Shinmachibashi Street

Awaodori Kaikan


Musical performance

Awa-odori dance performance

Awa-odori dance performance

Awa-odori dance performance

Awa-odori dance performance

Mani participating in Awa-odori dance performance

Awa-odori Museum

Awa-odori Costumes

Awa-odori Instruments

Awa-odori Miniatures

Awa-odori Miniatures

Awa-odori Paintings

Awa-odori Paintings

Awa-odori Paintings

Awa-odori Robo dancer

Awa-odori Mannequins

Train to Osaka

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A stroll at Ritsurin Garden

Ritsurin Garden is a chestnut grove garden, one of the most famous historical gardens in Japan. The garden is situated in the city of Takamatsu and dates back to the early 17th century. The garden has six ponds and thirteen mounds strategically placed to use Mt Shiun as a background. Different flowers bloom all year round with the scenery changing with every step I took.

Matsuyama Station

Train to Takamatsu

Ticket counter at Ritsurin Koen

Viki at Ritsurin Koen

Bust of Yorinaga Matsudaira

Wide expanse of greens

Mani at Ritsurin Koen

Tsuru Kame Pine Tree at Ritsurin Garden

Walking around the park

North Pond

Rows of Pine

Walking towards South Pond

Okedoi-taki Waterfal

Walking to South Pond

South Pond

Visitors taking a boat ride at the South Pond

South Pond with Mount Shuien in the background

South Pond

Viki on the Engetsuki Bridge

Back to Takamatsu Station

Leaving for Kochi

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Tanabata Festival at Ogawa River

Mani & I go to the banks of the Ogawa River to celebrate Tanabata Festival where 50,000 blue led lights are floated along the Ogawa River. Tanabata celebrates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, represented by the stars Vega and Altair respectively. According to legend, the Amanogawa (Milky Way) separates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of July.

Shimonoseki Kaikyokan

In Shimonoseki

Akama Shrine Hill

Mimosusogawa Park

Kanmon Bridge

Site of Dannoura Battlefield

Statue of Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune

Statue of Taira-no-Tomomori

Walking to Shimonoseki Kaikyokan

Shimonoseki Kaikyokan

Shimonoseki Kaikyokan

Blue Whale Skeletal specimen

Swirling fishes from the Kanmon Strait

Luna Lionfish

Prickly leather jacket

Scrawled Filefish

Sea Anemone

Horned Boxfish

Japanese yellowtail


Slender Mudskipper

Sea Lion

Catching the Shimonodeki local to Kokura

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An evening stroll at Kokura Waterfront

Kokura city is the gateway to the Island of Kyushu from the Japanese mainland. We go for an evening stroll along the dazzling Kokura Waterfront up to the 400 year old flat land Kokura Castle built towards the beginning of the Edo Period.

Reaching Kokura

Walking to hotel

Checking in at JR Kyushu Kokura

Riverwalk Kitakyushu

Statue on Ogaibashi Bridge

Kitakyushu City Hall

Kokura Castle Entrance

Strong winds at Kokura Castle Garden

Kokura Castle Tower

Gate of castle tower

Dusk setting over Kokura castle

Hanging out at Starbucks

Kitakyushu City Hall

Kokura Riverwalk

Katsuyama Bridge

Shops along Uomachi Gintengai

JR Kokura Station

JR Kokura Station at Night

Picking food from Station

Back at hotel

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An African Safari in Beppu

Waking up in the quaint town of Oita

Walking to Oita Station

Catching the train to Beppu

Beppu Station

On the Kamenoi bus to Beppu African Safari Wildlife Park

Midway stop at Ritsumeikan

Back on the road

Into the hills

Finally at Beppu African Safari Wildlife Park

Safari Bus

Animals on the Safari ride


Petting Koharu

Had some food at the restaurant

Gibbon enclosures


Kangaroo Park

More kangaroo

Back at Beppu Station

Catching the train at Beppu station for Kokura

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Fun on Aoshima Beach

We walk down to Aoshima beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Miyazaki. Facing the beach is Aoshima Island, which appears like a pendant from the sky. The island is known for its subtropical plants and straight lines stones called devil’s washboard or Oni no Sentakuita.

Getting off the streetcar at Kagoshima Chuo Station.

A lovely sculpture at the Kagoshima Chuo Station

All set to catch the train to Miyazaki

Getting down at Miyazaki.

Reaching Aoshima Station

Haniwa clay models

Haniwa clay models closeup

Walking to Aoshima Beach through Miyako Botanical Garden

First views of Aoshima Beach

Mani at Aoshima Beach

Viki at Aoshima Beach

A prelude of the Devil’s washboard on Aoshima Beach.

Having some fun before leaving for Aoshima Island

Aoshima Beach Rocks

Walking to Aoshima Island

A close up of the Aoshima Island

Crossing the Yayoi Bridge

Stone lanterns at the end of the Yayoi Bridge

Closeup of Devils Washboard

Aoshima Shrine Torii

Shrine Entrance

Shrine Hall

Purification Ring of straw

Aoshima Shrine

Aoshima Shrine closer view

Ema Planks

Devils Washboard towards the back of the island

Leaving the Island

Getting down in Oita

Oita Station

Oita Station Stores

Picking up dinner

Best Western Hotel Fino