Hospital Management System Login Screen

Hospital Management System user interface

Hospital Management System Login Screen

Hospital Management System

User Interface for a hospital management system.

Technologies: Photoshop, Xhtml, CSS, PHP

10 thoughts on “Hospital Management System user interface

  1. Sanbedpal says:

    Firstly your UI is superb. Can you tell me how can i develope such UI using C# and VB? Is it possible?

    you can mail me on

    1. I have no idea that C# and VB were used for developing UI. I used Photoshop and then HTML-ised the screens

      1. Karthi Kamal66 says:

        hi viki ur UI So awesome i want to design the Hospital management system so how can i design the front end page

  2. sahil ali says:

    its really help ful for me in my final project on hospital management system.
    its a desktop lan base application.its just like an admin panel so i
    select php with mysql database for hms desktop application.
    please guide me if possible my mail address is
    The above reg page help me for employee registration Thanks allot Viki bahi

  3. amit says:

    Can u Mail this product of HMS

  4. Sahil Agarwal says:

    great UI..I’m developing a project in jsp and mysql and would like to use a similar UI. Can you mail me this?..Id:

  5. Lexi says:

    your design is great! Can you email me how to build this interface? Thanks a lot!

  6. Asgar says:

    Hi Viki,
    U have an awesome UI. i am doing main project on hospital management system. it would really helpful if u please send me all d screenshots of the system to my mail>>

  7. Peterson says:

    I love your UI so much I am also working on a similar project please can you send all the screenshots to my mail

  8. Munir says:

    Your design is superb, Can you guide me on how to become an interface designers, mail me @

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