Kokura Waterfront

An evening stroll at Kokura Waterfront

Kokura city is the gateway to the Island of Kyushu from the Japanese mainland. We go for an evening stroll along the dazzling Kokura Waterfront up to the 400 year old flat land Kokura Castle built towards the beginning of the Edo Period.

Reaching Kokura

Walking to hotel

Checking in at JR Kyushu Kokura

Riverwalk Kitakyushu

Statue on Ogaibashi Bridge

Kitakyushu City Hall

Kokura Castle Entrance

Strong winds at Kokura Castle Garden

Kokura Castle Tower

Gate of castle tower

Dusk setting over Kokura castle

Hanging out at Starbucks

Kitakyushu City Hall

Kokura Riverwalk

Katsuyama Bridge

Shops along Uomachi Gintengai

JR Kokura Station

JR Kokura Station at Night

Picking food from Station

Back at hotel

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