MoWeS Portable – Webserver on a stick

MoWeS stands for the three letter abbreviation Modular Webserver System and makes it possible, to run a webserver based on Apache, MySQL and PHP from an USB Stick or any other writable media (harddrive, flash cards etc.) without installation under Windows (98 to Vista).

There are two different versions of MoWeS. The MoWeS Portable and the MoWeS Presenter.

MoWeS Portable is the basic version and its opensource. Released under the GNU/GPL, it comes with a selectable bunch of preinstalled softwares like TYPO3, Joomla!, Mambo, WordPress, Moodle, OS Commerce, Drupal, PHPMyAdmin and many more that you can customize right on their downloads page.

To get you own copy visit the MoWes website.