I love walking around Osaka Castle in the evenings. The castle was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who ruled Japan in the latter half of the 16th century. The stone walls and moats surround the castle separating it from the bustling city. As dusk sets in, the sodium lamps light up the pathways surrounding the castle. The weeping sakura leaves along the wide moat briskly sway in the wind and the castle itself looks like a fantasy structure from the mythical age of dragons.

Wonders of the Pacific at Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan
I head to Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan for a special encounter with the incredible sea creatures. The aquarium is home to some 580 species from the Pacific Rim and nearby areas. The colorful sea creatures swimming around soothe the soul. The delightful jellyfish leave me awestruck.

An Evening in Rinku Town
I head up to Rinku Town in Osaka, where Mani stayed during her scholarship some 5 years back. We take a ride on the giant Ferris Wheel and experience a thrill like none before